Handshake Information

Handshake is your one-stop for finding part-time jobs, volunteer opportunities, 实习, and full-time career opportunities. Log into Handshake with your Loper email address and password. We recommend that when you first use Handshake, take some time to fill out your profile and upload your resume. This will help Handshake find the jobs that are the best fit for you.

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有关如何使用握手的更多信息,请观看我们的握手操作视频 在这里.


Disclaimers for 学生

所有由学生雇员完成的工作的雇佣和报酬都是由学生和雇主直接处理的. SES does not perform background checks on students 应用ing for jobs, nor on employers posting job opportunities. 鼓励雇主和学生根据需要向对方索取推荐信息,以确定资格, 凭证, 整体适合度. Use of this job posting website is entirely at the risk of the user. 正规博彩平台明确否认与使用本网站有关的任何和所有责任. 

Warning: Fraudulent Job Postings Exist
学生就业服务中心强烈鼓励学生在申请/接受职位之前进行研究. 看到 Handshake's Tips on Spotting Fraudulent 雇主.

正规博彩平台的校园就业有时以“勤工俭学”的形式. If you have filled out your FAFSA 并且符合勤工俭学的资格,你会在你的经济援助通知书上看到它. 你也可以查看你是否已经被提供勤工俭学通过接受/拒绝录取下的经济援助标签在你的 MyBLUE. 你必须接受勤工俭学资助才有资格获得勤工俭学工作. 在Handshake上search勤工俭学工作时,一定要添加“Work-Study”过滤器.

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What is Work-Study Employment?

If a student displays a specific amount of financial need on their FAFSA, 联邦政府以勤工俭学的形式为他们提供援助. 联邦工作学习(FWS)提供在校内外的就业机会. This aid does not distribute directly to a student immediately; it is redeemable through obtaining a Work-Study position. Just like any other part-time positions, students must 应用, 面试, and be offered work-study jobs. Money earned through the work-study position will not be credited towards 正规博彩平台 balances; instead, 学生将直接以工资支票的形式收到这笔钱,并根据自己的意愿使用.

Through the Work-Study program, 联邦政府同意为学生支付四分之三的工资,无论他们获得什么勤工俭学的职位. The employer pays the remaining one-fourth of the student's 工资. 这使得科尔尼雇主更容易为需要兼职工作的学生提供工作.

How do I get Work-Study Employment?

勤工俭学资助提供给经济需要符合勤工俭学计划要求的学生. 为了有可能获得勤工俭学资助,你必须提交你的 FAFSA. 如果你符合勤工俭学的资格,并且仍然有勤工俭学的资金可用, you will be offered work-study on your financial aid offer and on MyBLUE.

What do I do if I've been offered Work-Study Funding?

If you’ve been offered work-study funding, you will see the offer on your financial aid offer and on your MyBLUE. 如果你决定你想要勤工俭学的资助,以下是你需要遵循的步骤:

  1. Accept the work-study funding on your MyBLUE. 要接受勤工俭学资助,请登录MyBLUE并点击“财务援助”选项卡. Then click on Accept/Decline Offers and accept the work-study funding. 我们总是建议即使学生不确定他们是否想要勤工俭学的职位, they accept the funding anyways. You will not receive the funding until you secure a work-study position, so any unused funds will be re-allocated to other work-study students. Work-study funds are limited, so if you decline your work-study funding, 你将无法得到它,直到你有资格再次第二年.
  2. Search for work-study positions on Handshake. 在你获得勤工俭学职位之前,你不会收到勤工俭学的资助. This means that you must search for, 应用, 面试, and be offered a work-study job just like any other job. 要search勤工俭学的职位,请转到Handshake并建立一个帐户. 在Jobs页面,使用过滤工具只过滤勤工俭学的职位.
  3. Set up direct deposit. 勤工俭学基金是按工作时间发放的定期工资. Work-study funding is not applied directly to your 正规博彩平台 bill, instead is given to you to be used for discretionary college expenses. 设置直接存款可以让你勤工俭学的薪水很容易地存入你的银行账户.
  4. Fill out your FAFSA annually. 每年填写你的FAFSA是很重要的,这样你就可以获得勤工俭学(如果符合条件)并继续你的勤工俭学工作. 如果你不填写你的FAFSA,你将不会得到勤工俭学. If you fill out your FAFSA at a later date, 勤工俭学的资金有可能会用完,你就不会得到勤工俭学的机会了.

Questions About Work-Study?

访问我们的 勤工助学的常见问题 or contact 正规博彩平台's Work-Study Coordinator 约瑟夫·坎贝尔 了解更多关于联邦勤工俭学的信息,以及你是否有资格获得这种类型的经济援助.

加入握手 to Post Your Listings

SES在科尔尼社区宣传兼职、季节性和勤工俭学的机会. Posting a position with us is a 免费的 服务. 雇主可以创建自己的Handshake帐户并发布自己的列表, however; all part-time job postings will be reviewed and approved by SES or Career Services before they are listed on Handshake. No matter the size of your business, 我们强烈建议雇主创建自己的Handshake账户,发布他们的空缺职位,并与任何感兴趣的申请人轻松沟通. If you do not think this option will work for you, please email sesacct@promarketlinks.com.加入握手

On-Campus and Non-Profit 雇主

如果你是在正规博彩平台的校园部门或科尔尼社区内寻求学生雇员的非营利组织, you may be eligible to hire students with Federal Work-Study aid. Contact our Work-Study Coordinator 安娜让 for more information on the process. 

Disclaimers for 雇主

All job listings are posted at the discretion of SES. 所有公布的无佣金职位都要求公布的时薪或工资等于或高于联邦最低工资. 我们不会发布有种族歧视的推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜, color, 宗教, 信条, 年龄, 国家的起源, disabled or veteran status, sexual orientation, 残疾, 性别, 性别 identity or expression, 婚姻状况, and genetic information. 学院亦有权拒绝刊登不符合学院利益的职位. 社署提供转介服务,并不会就雇主作出特别的建议. 我们对本办公室发布的职位不作任何陈述或保证. We are not responsible for safety, 工资, working conditions, or any other aspect of off-campus employment. 在申请或接受私人校外工作时,学生们被敦促对雇主进行尽职调查. 虽然通过我们的服务在Handshake上发布的工作是针对大学生的, employers must expect that jobs may be viewed by the general public.